Sunday, June 23, 2013

Banana Bread That Doesn't Suck

        We've all been there.  Banana bread is flippin' hard to make.  Let me rephrase that.  Good banana bread is hard to make.  Well guess what.  This one isn't.

        It's just kinda one of those days.  Typical Saint John weather, promising sun, but ending up...not...sun.  So I decided to embrace the dismal weather.  It is Sunday, after all.  Get cozy, make a steaming cup of coffee, grab a book if you can muster the strength, eat warm banana bread.  And don't forget the butter.

         Smother that thing in butter.  For goodness sakes.

        Anyway, for all of you out there who have struggled hour after hour, trying to make that banana bread less terrible, less horrifying, or even less nightmarish, this is for you.  It's beautiful.  I 100% approve this recipe.  Moist.  Super moist.  
        So!  Head over to Your Cup of Cake if you're just dying to make it.  Because you are.  If you're not convinced yet, let me just leave you with this image.  It's practically leaping off the page into your mouth.

        Bake this up.  It only takes 7 minutes to whip it together and chuck it in the oven.  Approximately.  Once it's done cooking you can pretend you're in that sweet little coffee shop on the corner, with the smell of the bread slowly wafting up to you, staring out the window at the rain.  It's so worth it.

        Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!  Bask in the coziness!  Make this bread!

        Oh, and I didn't lie about the summer dessert.  I have the pictures and everything, I promise.  It's coming soon.  Don't fret.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I suppose this is a good place to start...

        Well hi there.  My name is Evelyn.  I'm 19 years old, wear a freckle on the inside of my left hand fourth finger, have a nail polish collection larger than that of the average female and hate the sound of people "sniffing".  Not the sniffing-because-I-have-a-cold sort of thing, but the I'm-confused-by-that-smell-so-I'm-going-to-sniff-the-air-like-an-animal sort of deal.  You know.  That type of thing.
        My family is abnormally large, as in 8 of us total (well, 9 if you include our very attractive and mostly psychotic cat named Samara) and we tend to be pretty good as far as getting along.

        First off, there's Dad.  He's literally your classic "dad" character.  He has crazy curly hair that somehow none of us managed to inherit, can fix anything on the planet earth and actually does the "pull my finger" joke at least once a week.  It's super not funny.
        Then Mum.  She's one of the most determined people I know for many reasons, 2 of which I will list:
1. She successfully home-schooled 5 of us and is currently displaying the patience of a Saint by continuing with Nate, who is...well, we'll get to him.
2. She can do just about anything that involves fabric or fiber.  Knitting, sewing, spinning, weaving, crocheting, cross-stitching, get the picture.

        Sheila.  Sheila is the oldest sibling and she plays just about every instrument ever invented.  Or at least twenty.  She also cleans our whole house.  All.  The.  Time.  So if you ever catch her not cleaning or creating music of some sort, she'll probably be reading or making one of her thousand "home remedy" face masks.  She swears by them.

        Dan.  He has a bright red car, always licks the cookie bowl and just got married about a month ago.  Her name is Katie.  They dated for about a hundred years, which I guess is pretty cool for us because we got to know Katie really well.  So that works.

        Megan is child number 3, but tends to act younger than number 6.  Who is 11, by the way.  She's the one who's always traveling the world.  New Zealand, China and who knows where else.  She also likes talking in outrageous voices and doing other weird things.

        Grace is who I share my room with.  She's tiny and adorable.  She tends to read my mind on occasion and is insanely artistic.  She draws, paints, crafts, does pottery and is usually keen to help me quench my own frequent craft cravings.  She is extremely gifted at making ugly faces.  Extremely.

        Finally, the one I've already alluded to a couple times.  Nate.  Nate is indescribable.  He's eleven years old.  He's in love with making songs out of everything.  He is right at this very moment laying upside down on a pillow bed in the middle of the living room floor with his knees pulled up and tucked into his shirt.  Just picture it.  Now you know Nate.

       And that's the fam.  They're the best.  Keep your eyes open for an easy summer dessert later in the week.